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Resting in Metta Retreat with Celeste and Dawn Scott

  • Big Bear Retreat Center 1400 Sugarpine Road Big Bear, CA, 92314 United States (map)

Early registration is now open!

Join us in the beauty of the San Bernardino mountains as we relax into the four qualities of an awakened heart: Lovingkindness (Metta), Compassion (Karuna), Appreciative Joy (Mudita) and Equanimity (Upekkha).

Allowing ourselves to be held in this beautiful and secluded retreat setting, we will learn to slow down and attune to the fresh simplicity of our present moment experience. Combining the heart qualities with mindfulness, we will ease into stillness and connect with the heart’s inner capacity for healing and freedom. Letting go of distraction, we will cultivate simplicity and contentment, renewing the connection with our own bodies, hearts, and minds. By bringing mindful attention to our moment to moment experience, we can learn to cultivate resilience amidst change and grow in awareness, love, and wisdom.

The structure of this Metta meditation retreat includes guided meditation on each Brahma Vihara with Q&A each day, time for silent sitting and walking meditation periods, rest, mindful eating instruction, Dharma talks, and small group practice discussion meetings with the teachers.

Dana/Generosity: There will also be an opportunity to offer Dana for the teachers at the end of the retreat. Thank you for your support!

”Dawn and Celeste have such a lived experience of the Dharma, they make it inspiring and accessible and understandable – even the most complex topics. Their generosity through both the small groups and one on ones was deeply appreciated. The teachers and staff extended a warm welcome that lasted all week long. I have never felt this kind of deep sustained peace. Thank you for providing such a sacred container.”

“Celeste and Dawn’s friendship is radiant, bringing a special tenderness to their fabulous teachings. Their teachings are transformative, yet completely realistic for all.”