SOLD OUT. This class series is fully sold out and the waitlist is closed. Thanks for your interest! If you are in your 30s or 40s, you may want to join the weekend workshop I’m offering with Phillip Moffitt at Spirit Rock (online) in February: Changes + Transitions in your 30’s + 40’s
This is a brand new class offering. I’m so excited to share with you this powerful work i’ve been training in with Phillip Moffitt + Jennifer Ward since 2020. Space is extremely limited for this intimate pilot series, please register early if you plan to join us.
This class series will be held online, on the zoom platform.
How well we navigate changes and transitions in our lives has a direct impact on the degree of well-being, purpose, and satisfaction we experience on a day-to-day basis. If you’re considering a big change, are in the midst of one now, or are still feeling the effects of past changes, this class series offers you the personal understanding and tools to open to the next phase of your life with clarity, confidence, and deeper Insight.
Together, we’ll be learning principles about the nature of change, adult stages of development, as well as time-tested mindfulness practices that can help you move through times of change with more balance and clear intention. Throughout the class series, you will be offered a series of highly effective self-assessments and tools from the Life Balance Institute that are designed to give you clarity about your specific situation and support you in moving towards your next steps. These tools have helped countless individuals step into greater alignment with what they truly care about in life- to connect with what is truly meaningful. In addition, we’ll practice meditations specifically designed to support you in meeting change more effectively and in coming home to yourself in daily life.
During this intimate class series you will have the opportunity to:
Discover a path to well being that is beyond “getting what you want and getting rid of what you don’t want” in life.
Identify your values and intentions so you have a basis for making wise decisions.
Discover which areas of your life need attention, gain insights about your strengths and challenges in dealing with change, and begin to strategize about next steps.
Recognize habits of mind that undermine you and learn practices to disengage from their influence.
Learn simple, yet effective meditations for opening to inner and outer change and meeting yourself where you are with care and kindness.
Expect 6 weeks full of dynamic inquiry as we grow together in community, learning essential life skills for meeting our various changes and transitions with authenticity, confidence, and clarity. This class series is based on the work of the Life Balance Institute. For more on Life Balance go to
Please note, this is a class series and not a drop in group.
This class series will meet for 6 weeks, running from January 13th - February 22nd.
*Note no class meeting on January 27th.