This is InsightLA's popular Essentials of Mindfulness Class! This is our premier introduction to creating and incorporating an effective and ongoing insight meditation practice in all aspects of your life. This 6-week class is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced meditators who want to refresh the fundamentals of their practice.
In this class you will learn to reduce your stress and gain more happiness by:
1. Developing a healthier relationship with your thoughts
2. Developing more balance with your emotions
3. Being more in touch with your body and mind.
These classes provide our students with a supportive environment. Our teachers tailor their instructions to meet the specific needs of participants. In a step-by-step process students learn the nuts and bolts of insight meditation and basic mindfulness practice.
There are six weekly classes. Please note there will be no class on Thursday, September 12th. Class will resume the following week.
InsightLA is a community of people dedicated to maintaining a safe and welcome, open and diverse environment that stands firmly against all racial, gender, economic, or religious bias.
We ae committed to providing opportunities for all people to participate in our programs. Please click the buttom below for more information about easy payment plans, reduced fee opportunities, and financial assistance.