Tuesday Mornings September 5th - October 10th 10:00am - 12:00pm
Mindfulness is a powerful tool when applied thoughtfully in meditation and in daily life. In the wider scope of the Buddha's teachings, however, it is just one support for the cultivation of liberation and freedom from suffering, which is found within a larger path known as the noble eightfold path.
In this class series we'll dig a little deeper and explore the path factors of wise understanding, wise view, wise speech, wise action, wise livelihood, wise effort wise mindfulness and wise concentration and what it looks like to cultivate the path of freedom and liberation as a modern day householder, both in meditation, and off the cushion in daily life.
There will be time for meditation, teachings, discussion and some exercises to take home.
This class is appropriate for those students with previous mediation experience who have taken intermediate classes or Buddha's Path classes before.
Cost: This class is a Dana based class. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Dana means giving. The suggested donation for this class series, which includes 6 classes, is $180 dollars.
$30 per person of an average size class at InsightLA covers the cost of paying teachers, administrators, rent and outreach, as well as covering the participation of students who will pay less.
Please give generously. Your act of generosity is significant. The Buddha taught that all of the beautiful qualities of heart and mind begin with generosity: Generosity dissolves the separation of self and other… Giver receiver and gift intertwined. Everyone has a role to play in supporting the whole community practicing to their fullest potential.